keywords: Agronomy characters, sweet potato, cultivars, location of studies.
Two field experiments were conducted in 2021 at Teaching and Research Farm of both the Federal University Wukari and Taraba State University Teaching and Research Farm Jalingo to determine the growth and tuber yield attributes using seven varieties of sweet potato. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with three replications. The sweet potato varieties were planted and allowed to grow and develop to maturity during which their growth and development were monitored. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance where significant means were separated using Duncan multiple rang test at 5% probability level. Proximate analysis was used to determine the quality and nutrient of each variety. The varieties used are; Donga white local (V1), Tropical Ipomoea Selection (TIS-91/198 (V2), TIS-008164 (V3), TIS-91/62 (V4), TIS-87/0087 (V5), Jalingo local (V6) and Donga purple local (V7) for 2021 cropping season. Varietal difference were observed in both wukari and jalingo yield performance of sweet potato varieties were V1(16.77 t/ha and 14.40t/ha) significantly had the highest yield value compare with other varieties used in the study, followed by V6 (16.73 t/ha and 14.30t/ha) and the lowest value was observed for V7 (13 t/ha and 12.80t/ha) respectively, while the best patronal variety that had highest value in all the yield characters measured was observed in Jalingo local, Donga white local and TIS-91/198 respectively at both wukari and Jalingo experimental trials and the three varieties are recommended based on the tuber yield and qualities of the varieties. However, more research should be done under rainfed season at different locations to ascertain the authenticity of the claim.